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Congreso Internacional

2010 (3) 2009 (8) 2008 (12) 2007 (9) 2006 (7) 2005 (3) 2004 (12) 2003 (5) 2002 (2) 2001 (5) 2000 (3) 1999 (5) 1998 (2) 1997 (1) 1996 (1) 1995 (1) 1983 (2)
  • Aguillo, IF. (2002) Medidas de popularidad, visibilidad, impacto y diversidad en la descripción cuantitativa del Webespacio académico y de investigación Info2002. Congreso Internacional de Información La Habana, Cuba, Monday, 22 April, 2002 to Friday, 26 April, 2002
  • Aguillo, IF. (2002) Measuring Informal Scientific Publication in the Web EASST 2002. International Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Universidad de York, Reino Unido, Wednesday, 31 July, 2002 to Saturday, 3 August, 2002
  • Aguillo, IF. (2003) Indicadores de contenidos para la Web Académica Iberoamericana II TALLER DE INDICADORES DE LA SOCIEDAD DE LA INFORMACIÓN Lisboa, Portugal, Thursday, 27 February, 2003 to Friday, 28 February, 2003
  • Kretschmer, H., Aguillo, IF. (2003) Reflection of COLLNET Members’ collaboration in the Web 9 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF SCIENTOMETRICS AND INFORMETRICS. ISSI-2003 Pekín, China, Sunday, 24 August, 2003 to Friday, 29 August, 2003
  • Kretschmer, H., Aguillo, IF. (2003) Visibility of COLLNET Members’ Collaboration on the Web 4th COLLNET Meeting : “Collaboration in Science and in Technology” Pekín, China, Friday, 29 August, 2003
  • Rusell, J., Narvaez-Berthelemot, N., Ainsworth, S., Aguillo, IF. (2003) ¿Convergencia o divergencia?: dos vistas de la UNAM XXI COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LA INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGICA Y DE LA INFORMACION UNAM, Méjico, Wednesday, 24 September, 2003 to Friday, 26 September, 2003
  • Aguillo, IF. (2003) Indirect estimation of quality in academic and R&D websites AoIR 4.0: BROADENING THE BAND. Association of Internet Researchers Toronto, Canada, Thursday, 16 October, 2003 to Sunday, 19 October, 2003
  • Kretschmer, H., Aguillo, IF. (2004) New indicators of gender visibility in Web networks International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 5th COLLNET Meeting Roorkee, India, Tuesday, 2 March, 2004 to Friday, 5 March, 2004
  • Aguillo, IF. (2004) Cybermetrics of the Indian Universities International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 5th COLLNET Meeting Roorkee, India, Tuesday, 2 March, 2004 to Friday, 5 March, 2004
  • Kretschmer, H, Aguillo, I. F. (2004) Visibility of collaboration networks on the Web International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics and 5th COLLNET Meeting Roorkee, India, Tuesday, 2 March, 2004 to Friday, 5 March, 2004


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