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1984 (4) 1985 (1) 1987 (1) 1994 (1) 1996 (4) 1997 (6) 1998 (2) 1999 (1) 2000 (3) 2001 (1) 2002 (1) 2003 (2) 2004 (2) 2005 (6) 2006 (4) 2007 (7) 2008 (7) 2009 (7) 2010 (8) 2011 (1)
Author: Ortega, J.L.; Cothey, V.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: How old is the web? characterizing the age and the currency of the European scientific web
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 81 (1) Initial page: 295 Final page: 309
Date: 2009

Author: Fernández, M; Zamora, H; Ortega, J.L; Utrilla, A.M.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Género y visibilidad Web de la actividad de profesores universitarios Españoles: El caso de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Publication: Revista Española de Documentación Científica
Volume: 32 (2) Initial page: 51 Final page: 65
Date: 2009

Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Minería del uso de webs
Publication: Profesional de la Información
Volume: 18 (1) Initial page: 20 Final page: 26
Date: 2009

Author: Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Mapping world-class universities on the web
Publication: Information Processing and Management
Volume: 45 (2) Initial page: 272 Final page: 279
Date: 2009

Author: Utrilla Ramírez, A.M.; Fernández, M.; Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Clasificación Web de hospitales del mundo: situación de los hospitales en la red
Publication: Medicina Clínica
Volume: 132 (4) Initial page: 144 Final page: 153
Date: 2009

Author: Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Structural analysis of the Iberoamerican academic web
Publication: Revista Española de Documentación Científica
Volume: 32(3) Initial page: 51 Final page: 65
Date: 2009

Author: Aguillo, IF.; Ortega J.L.; Fernández, M.
Title: Webometric Ranking of World Universities: Introduction, Methodology, and Future Developments.
Publication: Higher Education in Europe
Volume: 33(2/3) Initial page: 234 Final page: 244
Date: 2008

Author: Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo I.F.
Title: Linking patterns in European Union countries: Geographical maps of the European academic web space.
Publication: Journal of Information Science
Volume: 34(5) Initial page: 705 Final page: 714
Date: 2008

Author: Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Visualization of the Nordic Academic web: Link analysis using social network tools.
Publication: Information Processing and Management
Volume: 44(4) Initial page: 1624 Final page: 1633
Date: 2008

Author: Ortega, J.L.; Aguillo, IF.; Cothey, V.; Scharnhorst, A.
Title: Maps of the academic web in the European Higher Education Area - An exploration of visual web indicators
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 74(2) Initial page: 295 Final page: 308
Date: 2008


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