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Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Shaping the European research collaboration in the 6th Framework Programme health thematic area through network analysis
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 85 Initial page: 377 Final page: 386
Date: 2010

Author: Aguillo, IF.; Bar-Ilan, J; M. Ortega, JL
Title: Comparing university rankings
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 85 Initial page: 243 Final page: 256
Date: 2010

Author: Aguillo, IF.; Ortega, JL; Fernández, M; Utrilla, A.M.
Title: Indicators for a webometric ranking of open access repositories
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 82(3) Initial page: 477 Final page: 486
Date: 2010

Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Network collaboration in the 6th Framework Programmes: country participation in the health thematic area
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 84(3) Initial page: 835 Final page: 844
Date: 2010

Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Describing national science and technology systems through a multivariate approach: country participation in the 6th Framework Programme
Publication: Scientometrics
Volume: 84 (2) Initial page: 321 Final page: 330
Date: 2010

Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Differences between web sessions according to the origin of their visits
Publication: Journal of Informetrics
Volume: 4 (3) Initial page: 331 Final page: 337
Date: 2010

Author: Ortega JL; Aguillo, IF.
Title: Spanish participation in EU research programmes: structural analysis of the health-related thematic area of the 6th Framework Programm
Publication: Revista Española de Documentación Científica
Volume: 33 (2) Initial page: 287 Final page: 297
Date: 2010

Author: Aguillo, IF.; Corera-Alvarez E; Martinez C
Title: National scientific and technological productions and Internet presence of Iberoamerican academic institutions
Publication: Interciencia
Volume: 35 (2) Initial page: 92 Final page: 98
Date: 2010

Author: Aguillo, IF.
Title: Reflexiones y buenas prácticas sobre la presencia personal en la Web académica
Publication: Anuario ThinkEPI, ISSN 1886-6344
Volume: 2010 Initial page: 269 Final page: 271
Date: 2010

Author: Aguillo, IF.
Title: Dr Paper & Mr Web
Publication: Anuario ThinkEPI, ISSN 1886-6344
Volume: 2010 Initial page: 272 Final page: 274
Date: 2010


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